Things Have Been Really Crazy out Here

Of course I am sure that I shall have to give this up and go back to school pretty soon, but it is going to be pretty hard to be honest. It almost like an endless bachelor party to be honest. We are out in Las Vegas working for this guy who runs betting web sites. We pretty much work about half of the time, but if everything is running well there is not too much to do. Most of our work is actually looking for vulnerabilities. If you are running this kind of site it is to be expected that you are going to have people who want to exploit you. When you have a real casino then you know for sure that you are going to have a lot of people who are going to try and exploit any weakness that they can find. It is to be assumed that a betting web site is going to be a big fat target.

At any rate we found an apartment complex in a nice area, Jake seemed to know exactly what he was doing. The first day we were here he kept peeking out of the window and eventually we realized why. The entire place is swarming with pretty girls and girls who have pretty beat by a mile or two. Some of them are chorus girls and some of them are singers in shows. A couple of them are adult entertainers. In fact one of them got a buzz on and started to give away lap dances about three days after we got here. The cops do show up here frequently, there is a party in this place pretty much around the clock. The other day we got up around nine in the morning and there were people dancing around the pool, some of them completely without clothes.

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